Tradition and avant-garde of Twentieth Century poetry

These are precious and rare audio-visual documents  coming from the archives of Rai Teche, concerning poets and figures of the Italian literary Twentieth Century: from black and white videos taken from the historical cultural transmission of Rai L'Approdo, to relatively recent films such as those of L’Ombelico del Mondo, a Rai Educational program dedicated to poetry.

In this way La Voce Regina 2 - tradition and avant-garde of Twentieth Century poetry, a selection of videos curated by Niva Lorenzini and Enzo Minarelli, which includes, on the experimental side, poets such as Pagliarani, Porta, Giuliani, Sanguineti, Balestrini, Vicinelli, Leonetti, Zanzotto; as far as tradition is concerned it includes Merini, Pasolini, Luzi, Bigongiari, Bertolucci, Ungaretti, Montale, Saba, Penna, Caproni, with a coupler of exceptional documents about Ezra Pound and Louis-Ferdinand Céline.

Finally, the presence of younger poets with their performances, such as Rosaria Lo Russo, Enzo Minarelli and Lello Voce, should be noted.

On the cover

Unknown, photo by identity card of Louis-Ferdinand Destouches, aka Céline, produced to leave France under a false name (Louis François Deletang), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons